Edition On City Walls


Litografiska Museet

28/5 - 18/6 2023

Open hours:

Tuesday - Friday and Sunday 12 pm - 3 pm / 12:00 - 15:00

Address: Sundby Gård, Huddinge Stockholm

Supported by Sveriges Konstföreningar and Kulturrådet.

Editions On City Walls is the first exhibition that focuses on my work with printed matter. Since I studied stone lithography at the lithography school in Tidaholm in 1997-1999, printmaking have been important to my creation. The title refers to the printed artworks that I’ve pasted in European cities.

For me the urban space is a place for creativity, where art is woven into the cares of everyday life. Street art in the public space is a parallel dialogue to the commercial message of cities and a narrative that reflects on its surroundings.

Interacting artistically with urban places is a way to explore the city, but I also see that increased urbanization and growing cities crowd out nature. With animals and plants in the form of roots, I depict the movements of animals and plants that occur when the climate warms up and cities and infrastructure stand in the way of these movements. Nature fosters a diversity of life, but one species after another, leaves us.

Art in the form of various printed matter is an organic living part of the city that changes daily. Some destroy it because it takes and demands its place, while others love it, because it conveys stories, evokes emotions and is fun to discover.

May 2023

/ Vegan Flava